Shopping for a Community

There has been a movement in the recent years to shop local. This movement promotes shopping at the Mom and Pop stores in your neighbourhood instead of shopping at large chain stores or online, especially if you want that small town feel where you are known on a first name basis, there is a deep element of trust, safety and loyalty.....that "at home feeling".

In 2010, American Express launched a now annual event, Small Business Saturday, in an effort to raise awareness and business to our local shops. Last year, as an incentive, they offered 100,000 $25 Amex gift cards to small business consumers. It would be remiss to not share the 5 major joys of shopping locally to benefit yourself and your community.

1. Job creation
Frequenting your local grocer creates jobs! Crazy, but true. Small businesses, especially since the recession, have been a key player in job creation in our economy, with big businesses cutting people left and right, small businesses have seen the need and rose to the occasion. Purchasing your fruits and vegetables from a local grocer or farmers' market keeps these hard working men and women in business and gives them the ability to hire even unemployed persons in the community. All that - just from buying an apple :) and besides eating locally grown foods is healthy and good for your body's own eco-system.

2. Diverse and unique community
Imagine your neighborhood filled with only big chain stores. It would lack diversity and all neighbourhoods would look exactly the same. That, sounds boring. Supporting your local stores over the national brands, or even online, ensures that those stores stay open. You know that "Mary's Closet Finds" in town is the place to buy that one of a kind dress for a night out or "Joe's Fruit & Vegetable Stand" has the exotic fruit that you love so much and besides he throws in a healthy seasonal fruit for you to try. You are unique and therefore your shopping experience should be also.
3. Reduction of environmental impact
Shopping local is better for you and for the environment. National stores create the need for infrastructure, more trucks, more electricity, more gas and more waste. Local shops limit the need for the energy used in goods transportation, additional packaging for the long trip and supports local businesses. Buying locally grown produce especially makes a difference for the consumer. While milk or fruit usually spends days on a truck to get to your hometown, losing nutrients and aging, local farms can deliver the produce faster which means its fresher when you eat it not to mention tastes better. Also, shopping close to home, reduces your impact on the environment, by walking or riding a bike to the store instead of a car or a bus - yes built in exercise!

4. Money spent locally stays local
When you shop local at least three times more revenue stays in the community than when shopping at the big box stores. That is money that goes to local designers, architects, bookkeepers, plumbers, distributors, and contractors (just to name a few) to keep the business running smoothly. However, since national brands are a series of clones, they rarely use local planning resources or local wholesale distributors for goods and services. The local resource pool, offering unique talent and ideas, is overlooked and unused. Profits are usually on a fast track to corporate offices and the community which the national brand is supposedly serving sees little money. Based on a Chicago study, for every $ 100 spent at a local store approximately $68 is recycled back into the community; as opposed to $43 from a national brand. (

Last but certainly not least...

5. Commitment to community
Mom and Pop Shops have a history of supporting the community. The community supports them by shopping with them whether sponsoring the local softball team or a school's silent auction. These local stores, such as "Joe's Soccer Team" have a vested interest in keeping the community happy, because they are a part of that community and want it to thrive. Everyone knows them as "family". Not only that but shopping locally demonstrates your commitment to your hometown - to what makes it unique. Either way you spin it, community is the heart of local shops.

We’ve outlined above some benefits of shopping locally. There are many more reasons, one of which your wallet will like. It's commonly thought that the best discounts are from the chain stores, they can afford to buy in bulk so they can offer the best deal. However, what if you were able to buy local and save? Seems like a win-win. Check it out: